Please click on the buttons below to see some of my lessons, projects, or experiences!

Mountains don't just make Colorado pretty, they make narrative writing pretty, too!

Students learned how to write about their reading by developing their own opinions and backing them up using text evidence, Literary Essay.

Never a rainy day when the students dive into writing about their research on natural disasters!

Traveling back in time, students wrote narratives in first or third person, in their choice of time period (Great Depression, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Gold Rush, Ellis Island, etc.).

Dr Suess was quite the poet, and oh we sure know it! We dug into various types of poetry to then write our own!

Students pushed their thinking as researchers, created questions, and developed their own editorial to edit and publish.

This is a tool I use on occasion for students to show a brief understanding of their book's theme, how Japanese-Americans felt during WWII, or their answer to a multi-digit multiplication equation.

Here is an example of a typical writing lesson.

We are happy to be writing back and forth, practicing our writing and social skills with a 3rd grade class across the country, my home state of Illinois!