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Falcon Creek Middle School, Cherry Creek School District

Applying my passion for technology, I absolutely love teaching my Robotics and Gaming courses to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. These scholars engage in evolving technologies developing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Whether creating code for their game or programs for their robot, each student has an opportunity to explore the field of technology at their own pace and using their choice of program. 

Tech Motion Graphics and Gaming

Focusing on coding, students are introduced to multiple programs where they create their own game. Programs include Scratch, Kodu, Alice, CoSpaces, Sumo Paint, and Tinker. We then explore coding languages such as Python, HTML, and Java. Students are introduced to a program, try it out, follow along with a few of my tutorials, and then are given the liberty to create their own game. We have used MakeyMakey to enhance our Scratch games and Merge Cubes to bring our CoSpaces to life (VR). Both 7th and 8th grade students have expressed how accomplished they feel and are impressed with themselves after reflecting on their semester. Whether or not they've had tech courses in the past, I'm proud to introduce middle schoolers to coding languages before even entering high school. 


Focusing on programming, students utilize the Lego Mindstorm application to create programs for their EV3s. Students use various motors, sensors, and add-ons to complete challenges and create complex programs. Additionally, we have CoDrones, Cues, and VEX IQs we program and compete with in district-wide competitions. In robotics, I teach the importance of taking inventory and responsibility for their equipment (pieces), so we can get to programming! The 6th-8th grade students enjoy creating their own programs as well as taking on my Teacher Challenges. 

Outside the Classroom

Robotics Club Sponsor

  • Bi-monthly meetings

  • RoboCon

  • First Lego League Competitions

Volleyball Assistant Coach

  • Practice 4x/week March-May

  • 8 games

  • 6th, 7th, and 8th grade

Track Assistant Coach

  • Practice 4x/week August-September

  • 8 meets

  • 6th grade, relays


Clyde Miller P-8, Aurora Public Schools

Sometime in between teaching in New Zealand and setting up my first classroom, my mom asked me what my "class theme" was going to be. Stumped, she suggested travel. Weeks later, finding out majority of my students have never stepped foot or seen a real life plane, I was sold on transforming my classroom into an airplane.


Class Website

Students use my class website to access resources at home and continue practicing towards proficiency in the 4th grade standards. This website is also used to connect with parents regarding expectations, routines, field trips, announcements, etc. In addition, I use this site to model expectations for my student's sites. Each student has their own website where they can keep their work as a portfolio. Please feel free to access this site at

Curriculum & Instruction

Math - Bridges

Literacy - Lucy Calkins

Science - FOSS

Social Studies - Colorado State Standards

Outside the Classroom

Student Council Head Sponsor

  • Bi-monthly meetings

  • December Deliveries

  • School-Wide March Madness Book Brackets

  • Talent Show

  • 3-5 Dance

After School Tutoring Coach

  • Math Intervention (6 students)

  • Reading Intervention (7 students)

Multi-Tier Support System Teacher

Staff Social Committee

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Team Member

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