Goal: To support our students in and out of the classroom by effectively utilizing assistive technology tools. Teachers should be familiar and comfortable using Read&Write first, in order to understand and empathize with students who might need extra (differentiated) support reading, typing, composing, comprehending, etc.
The why behind R&W:
Our goal is to utilize this tool to help...
Create independent learners
Relieve some frustration and motivate students to learn
Help students to study smarter, not harder
My biggest piece of advice is
to play this video with your students; teach them how to use Read & Write while you learn all the tips and tricks, too!
Video: TESS' INTRO VIDEO (3:08) I walk you through using our district assistive technology tool from the very beginning of pinning the R&W extension, to sharing why and when to use certain tools
Resource: Read and Write for Google Chrome - AT & EL Reading Supports
TRY THIS! Create a audio version of notes (using the Audio Maker tool) and have your student listen to it for review
Video: FEATURE VIDEOS *This is the easiest way to learn all things R&W. Watch one, play them on loop, watch them in your PLC and collaboratively decide aspects of your lesson that would most smoothly support students who benefit from these R&W tools
Checklist: Checklist for Student Skills using Key Tools in Read&Write for Google Chrome **Use this checklist to help gage which tools you're unfamiliar with and can help your students!
TRY THIS! Use the highlighting function and generate word banks for your students, then, teach them how to do it on the next unit.
Infographic: Support for Hearing & Vision Loss
TRY THIS! Leave notes on student documents by adding a Voice Note for feedback and maybe even model using the Simplify Page to help students identify the most important information. Additionally, explore how to use Read&Write for assessments.
UPCOMING! Tess' Tech Tuesday
How to create a signature
Are you a popular person who could benefit from a Bookings link?
Struggling to organize or change your view on Calendar and Mail?
Are you a planner who likes to have all (Shared) Calendars on your phone?
Looking to get Outlook items onto your phone?
Want to pin, ignore, and find emails with attachments? Get ready to dive deep into all things Microsoft Outlook!
Have a suggestion or something you want to learn more about? Fill out this Google Form and stay tuned!