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Writer's pictureMiss Tess

Tech Tuesday: Microsoft OneNote

Whether you're Team Google or Team Microsoft, Microsoft OneNote is going to transform your classroom experience.

Goal: enhance the notetaking process and support learning through an organized, personalized, and flexible digital platform

The WHY behind Microsoft OneNote

I triple dog dare you to watch this 1 minute 16 second video introducing the basic features of Microsoft OneNote. You won't regret it, it could transform your classroom, I promise!

New teachers, as you create your instruction, consider which tools helped you succeed and become engaged in the learning process and how can OneNote help you model that in your classroom.

Seasoned teachers, I challenge you to keep an open mind when it comes to reflecting on your current instruction and considering the increase of academic success and engagement in your classrooms if you were to utilize OneNote.

This easy-to-learn Microsoft tool allows teachers to create Digital Notebooks, create their own digital notebook, and this tool even integrates into Schoology creating a notebook for each student with a click or two. A few more reasons we love OneNote

1. Familiar interface - just like Word and other Microsoft tools, we're familiar with the horizontal ribbon of tools

In particular, focusing on the Insert, Draw, and History tabs we're able to personalize and utilize this digital notebook like a paper-and-pencil spiral more easily. Math equation? There are symbols. Image? You can upload from the web. Want to record the lecture or take oral notes? Record yourself. Need to annotate? Upload and highlight. The features are endless!

2. Logical hierarchy (Notebook --> Sections --> Pages)

Similar to a spiral, paper notebook, we can create Sections (maybe used for different units or subjects), then Pages within those Sections (subunits, practice pages, etc.)

3. Community space for meeting notes, agendas, etc.

Teachers and admin can utilize OneNote for sharing meeting agendas, meeting notes, important information, notes on instruction or curriculum, and more. These flexible and accessible Notebooks can be edited online or as an app on your phone, desktop, or laptop, oh my!

Instead of tips and tricks, I wanted to give some more step-by-step direction for this week's coverage.


TRY THIS! Create your first Class Notebook

  • Step 1: Open OneNote on the desktop app by searching "OneNote" (choose "OneNote 2016" or "OneNote")

  • Step 2: Then, begin exploring your digital notebook!

  • Step 3: Challenges

    • Option 1: Create a new Section for each of your classes and create a new Page for each Unit

    • Option 2: Create a new Notebook for each class, create a new Section for each unit, and create a new Page for practice questions or writing prompts


  • Step 1: Go to Schoology, open a course

  • Step 2: Choose the OneNote Classroom Notebook tab on the left taskbar, and create your first Digital Notebook for students

  • TRY THIS! Check out this resource for more step-by-step support


  • Use the app on your smartphone to increase flexibility and accessibility for when you need to access your Notebooks or Quick Notes

  • Create a Quick Note on your way out of the main office so you can remember that feedback your evaluator gave you on your lesson!

  • TRY THIS! Password-protect your Notes to keep control of your work

If all this information was too overwhelming, you have to at least check out this extremely differentiated resource:

There are so many ways to utilize OneNote in your classroom and as a professional. I love the options for images, drawing, and all the things I would want to include on a paper-pencil notebook, in this equitable digital notebook. Set a timer and allow yourself 10 minutes to play around with Microsoft OneNote!

UPCOMING! Tess' Tuesday Tech Tip: EdPuzzle

(get a head start and check out all the features by clicking the link above!)

  • How to hold your students accountable!

  • Enhance the student engagement of your favorite unit-specific videos

  • How to turn your Slides or PPT into a video lesson 👀

  • Use this tool for assessments, differentiated instruction, and student presentations, oh my!

Have a suggestion or something you want to learn more about? Fill out this Google Form and stay tuned!


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