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Writer's pictureMiss Tess

"Follow us on Tweeters"

While Johnny Rose might not be the social media guru as he included "Follow us on Tweeters" on his Motel coaster, at least there is hope

for his motel to attract a diverse following! Do you have a diverse following? Do you follow accounts challenging your thoughts and perspectives, or just confirming your opinions?

In order for our students -- the future of our country -- to grow and advance, we must model and practice diversifying our newsfeed and media intake. Intentionally diversifying who we surround ourselves with physically and virtually, expanding outside our comfort zones, and respectfully working with others who hold opposing viewpoints will help us, and our students, reach stronger, bolder discoveries. Focusing on how our own social media shapes how we understand the world can help us more authentically model and emphasize the importance of diversifying our online world while creating savvy online consumers, creators and contributors (Leetaru, 2017).

Initially reflecting on my social media newsfeeds, I was overwhelmed by the lack of diversity I saw.

Twitter: white educators challenging or sharing opinions

Instagram: young white couples getting married or engaged

Facebook: white family members reposting funny memes

I notice I surround myself and connect with, for the most part, white educators across social media platforms; I'm not practicing what I'm preaching. Therefore, I decided to follow various accounts (including CO Charter Schools, CNN Opinion, and Young America's Foundation) who will challenge my opinions and perspectives regarding education, religion, politics, values, and routines. However, I can't stop there.

My school district is encouraging and promoting "courageous conversations" amongst teachers and students regarding race. In a conservative town with majority white educators, this can be intimidating and uncomfortable. We need to embrace, confront and remain open when participating in conversations outside our comfort zone. Educators must use (social) media as a tool to diversify their perspectives and better support and model this diversification for students.


Leetaru, K. (2017). Why 2017 Was The Year Of The Filter Bubble? Forbes.


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