Folks, we've made it to November! About this time last year, I was teaching Social Studies, Robotics, and Gaming to three different grade levels, switching between our hybrid model (in person twice a week with required online assignments). I. Was. Exhausted. Don't get me wrong, I'm still exhausted, just with different day-to-day tasks of my new position.
This school year, I am proud to share my new role as Instructional Technology Coordinator for my middle school. I might not teach three different curriculums, but a few of my responsibilities include:
Distributing and assigning new student devices (our district went 1:1 this year!)
Maintaining and updating student and staff devices
Supporting and troubleshooting classroom and school technology (projectors, microphones, document cameras, etc.)
Coaching teachers how to effectively utilize student devices in and out of the classroom (assignments, assessments, engagement)
Leadership team: weekly meetings, daily lunch duty, making executive decisions
Collaborating and communicating with other district tech leaders regarding software, programs, products, etc. to teach our staff through professional development opportunities (and creating those PD opportunities)
While the list continues to grow, I'm grateful for my position everyday.
As a soon-to-be Master of Arts in Educational Technology, I'm looking forward to remaining a learner throughout my years in this position. Just as technology evolves, I want to evolve and stay up-to-date on the latest tech trends, gadgets, robots, software and supports. This smile, to the right, is full of genuine happiness.